Trading Standards Officer Gives Tips on Choosing Mechanics in Perth

Trading standards officer Laila Benfaida gave tips for car owners who are looking for mechanics in Canning Vale, Perth and other areas all over the world. Citing proper research as one of the most important factors that play a huge role in the success of any auto repair process for car owners, Benfaida listed several suggestions that advise clients to proactively ask questions, read up on their car’s issues, and examine the auto service facility’s policies, among others.

As posted on BBC’s website, Benfaida said:

Do your homework – There are many forum sites and owners’ clubs online that’ll give an idea of the likely cause of faults if you search the symptoms. Having an idea of possible faults and the relevant terminology might deter someone from taking advantage and will also enable you to get a realistic gauge on potential costs.

Get quotes – Prices vary dramatically. If you know what the fault is it’s important to get several estimates. Weigh up parts costs against labour.

VAT – is it included? – You should be told by law, but it can get overlooked and makes quite a difference with larger jobs.

Is the diagnosis free? – Ideally, you would a free diagnosis but it’s not appropriate to take advantage by doing this if you don’t intend to use the mechanic. Be prepared to pay for their time if you want to take it elsewhere…

Consumers who will heed Benfaida’s recommendations can look forward to several benefits, especially from repair shops like Automotive Mechanical Electrical. First, knowing essential things such as the cost of the repair and their automobile’s main problem will shape their expectations for the service. Consequently, they can look out for shops that either overcharge, or require unnecessary solutions that will only take up more of their time.

Benfaida also said that car owners should let the repair shop know that decisions concerning replacing parts and proceeding with the process should not be implemented without the owners’ express permission. Specifics must be established so that the auto mechanics can be guided toward providing only the services that owners need.

Other considerations include checking the cleanliness of the garage, as well as looking into service add-ons.

With these tips, car owners will have a foundation upon which they can choose trusted repair shops like Automotive Mechanical Electrical for servicing their cars’ clutch, cooling and engine systems, rear axle, and auto transmission in Perth and other areas.

(Article Excerpt and Image from Finding a Reliable Mechanic,

AME Automotive have been a family owned business that specialises in automobile mechanics for over 30 years. AME focuses on giving our clients the best service for their car in Perth! At AME Automotive, we specialise in a wide range of repairs and maintenance services for all makes and models.

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