Basic Car Maintenance Tips

Basic Car Maintenance Tips

It’s all too easy to take our vehicles for granted and tend to problems only as they arise. Unfortunately, minor issues with your car can quickly escalate and pose unseen hazards that can put you, your passengers and other road users at risk. Even when your car seems to be coasting along smoothly, it still needs regular car maintenance to guard against wear and tear and detect problems early.

The costs of basic upkeep are insignificant next to the cost of major repairs caused by neglect or even worse, the personal and financial fallout from being involved in a traffic accident. Here are some handy tips from our professional automotive mechanics to keep your car maintenance reliably.

Read the Manual of Car Maintenance

Many of us throw our car’s user manual in a drawer or a cupboard without a second glance. Sure it is not the most riveting read, but it will tell you loads of useful things you can do to keep your pride and joy motoring along for many years to come.

Stick to Your Routine Service Schedule

Scheduled servicing is one of the most important ways to uncover minor problems before they become big ones. Having a written log of legitimate maintenance and repairs will also pay off if you ever decide to sell your vehicle down the track.

Keep an Eye on Your Fluids

Checking fluids regularly and replacing them when needed is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your car. Depending on what type of vehicle you drive, you should keep an eye on engine oil, radiator coolant, automatic transmission fluid, windscreen wiper fluid, brake fluid, clutch fluid, battery electrolyte fluid and any others that your mechanic recommends.

Make Sure Your Tyres Are Tip Top

You should check your tyre pressure and tread at least once a month to ensure your wheels are completely safe. If you’re unsure about how to do this, feel free to ask our mechanics. Tyres can be periodically rotated to allow for more even wear, saving you money on new tyres.

Ditch Those Old Wiper Blades

Windscreen wipers really get a workout thanks to Western Australia’s erratic weather. Don’t be tempted to skimp when it comes to your wiper blades. They are essential for maintaining full visibility when driving in poor weather conditions.

Clear the Air

Your car’s air filter needs to be changed out every so often to keep engine performance at its peak. Your owner’s manual should tell you how to DIY, or just drop into our auto workshop if you’re unsure.

Boost the Life of Your Battery

If you’ve ever been stranded with a flat battery, you already know how important it is to keep a close eye on yours! Know how old your battery is, check the terminals for corrosion and top up the battery fluid when it starts to run low.

For regular car maintenance, wheel alignments and fantastic tyre specials, visit AME Automotive in Canning Vale. We’re proud to be one of Perth’s most trusted auto mechanic workshops.

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