Second Hand Car Servicing Checklist 

Buying your first car can be an overwhelming experience. After you get done with the saving, legalities and insurance, you then have to take on the responsibility of car servicing and maintenance.  

As a first-time car owner, you might need help figuring out where to begin or what to do. AME Automotive have put together a guide on second hand car servicing, we hope we’ve put together the top items you need to know. 

Meanwhile, if you are looking for a cheap car service in Perth with exceptional customer service head over to AME Automotive, we are a family-run business. We offer a comprehensive range of car services covering everything, from a quick clean-up to a thorough inspection. Book your service today

Second Hand Car Servicing Checklist 

If this is your first car, here is a quick checklist covering everything to look for when buying.  

1. Tyres  

Check tyre tread depth. One of the most important parts of your car is the tyres. Subject to the most wear and tear, keeping your tyres in the best shape helps you with your fuel economy, keeps you safe on the road, and ensures you don’t get stranded in the middle of nowhere after an unexpected flat tyre.  

If you are looking at a car, check the tread depth, a new set of tyres could be around $1,000 so build that into your bargaining. Buy smart.  

For servicing, get your tyre’s and tyre pressure checked every four weeks, depending on how frequently you drive. Also look at a wheel alignment and balance. These two cheap services for around *$100 can also save you the cost of a new set. 

What Services Should You Get Done? 

Our Mechanics Canning Vale cover tyre pressure checks, wheel balancing and alignment, and replacements in case your wheels are too damaged. 

2. Parking Lights, Brake Lights, Headlights 

Check all the lights are working on the vehicle. These car lights are not just for your convenience. They protect you when you are driving down a dark road at night. So, you always have to take good care of them. Before buying and heading out with your car, ensure all the lights are working properly, offering a steady brightness, and covering an adequate area. Ask a friend to stand back and check each light and their visibility. 

What Services Should You Get Done? 

The servicing for car lights is fairly simple. It’s either working or it’s not (or it’s an electrical issue). There is no need for any other maintenance.  

Reach out to our auto electricians in Canning Vale, and we will help you make the right choices for your car lights.  

3. Oils & Coolant  

Always pull out the dip stick and check the engine oil level and its colour. The engine oil is responsible for ensuring the smooth function of your engine. If the car is running low on engine oil, it will not only overheat the car but will lead to considerable engine damage. Low engine oil could be the sign of a vehicle that hasn’t had much love or burns a lot of oil – both are serious issues.  

Similarly, the coolant is another essential liquid that enables your engine to operate smoothly. Without coolant in our hot Perth climate our engine will quickly overheat, and it wouldn’t be long before the car broke down. 

What Services Should You Get Done? 

The service is simple. You must bring your car every 3-6 months or 5,000-10,000 kilometres to get the coolant and oil changed. Remember an oil change is a swap of the oil filter and completely new oil. It’s not refilling new oil over the residue of the last.  

Whether you go for a cheap car service in Perth or a luxury VW car service, we take out the stale oil, give you a new oil filter and then fill it up with a fresh batch of new engine oil. The same goes for the coolant too.  

4. Clutch & Brake 

Take the car for a test drive. From 30-40 kmph depress the brake pedal hard. Does the vehicle stop as you would expect it? The general maintenance timeframe for every car is 3-6 months, especially if you use it daily. During any service make sure you mechanic pays attention to the clutch and brake. Being constantly in use, they are most prone to premature wear and tear. 

What Services Should You Get Done? 

We will take care of the brake pads and the disc rotors when servicing the vehicle. The disc transfers the heat from constant friction against the brakes, and the pads help increase the overall friction and stopping power. For the clutch, we check its pressure plate, disc, and bearings. In a service AME will also adjust your handbrake for free. 

How Often Do You Need Vehicle Inspection in Australia? 

Vehicle Inspection Perth AME Automotive is a Department of Transport Authorised Inspection Station (AIS). With two Authorised Inspection Examiners (AIE) who carry out vehicle inspections in Perth throughout the week, we guarantee quick and satisfactory service. So hit our service centre any time, Monday to Friday and get your pink slip. 

Bottom Line  

Our first vehicles are huge Investments and require adequate maintenance. There are many things to care for— the tyres, engine, car lights, radiator, coolants, etc. It might seem impossible to wrap your head around them as a new owner. That’s why we have made a list of the top 4 essentials, so your car is always up and running in the best shape.  

Don’t forget to ask if the owner has two keys! Some keys cost upwards of $250 – again do your research for the replacement cost and bargain with the seller. 

Before buying a second-hand car, pass by AME Auto. We will take a look and give you a better idea of the vehicle today

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