Tyre Care – What Every Car Owner Must Know

Tyres are the point of contact between you and the road and Tyre care is essential for safety, comfort, reliability and fuel efficiency of your vehicle. At AME Automotive our experts are here to provide some important information for tyre care and safety that every car owner should know.

Maintaining Correct Pressure in Tyres

Maintaining correct pressure in tyres is essential, not only for maximising tyre life, but also to prevent tyre failure.

It is suggested to check your tyre inflation at least once a month (or bring it in and let AME Automotive does it for free while you wait). Tyres can lose 1-2 psi in ideal weather due to atmospheric conditions. Tyre wear is generally caused due to low or high tyre pressures, so they should be maintained at all times. Did you know for travelling on holidays with different loads, your car manufacturer recommends adjusting the tyre pressure for safety? Have a look at the tyre placard usually on the inside or the driver’s door.  It’s something you could do yourself (along with topping up water and oil before a trip).  If you need help, AME Automotive, Tyre Repair Perth is here to help you.

Properly Rotating the Tyres on Time

Did you know all your tyres wear out differently due to various factors such as differential load, turns of the steering, running pattern, etc? So it is highly advisable to rotate the tyres on a timely basis, the tyres must be rotated according to the recommendation from the Vehicle Manufacturer.

Wheel Balancing

We highly recommend wheel balancing after every 5000 km and balancing when any vibrations or “Shimmy” is felt when you drive above a speed of 80 kmph.  The car is talking to you by giving you these vibrations felt through the steering wheel which most likely due to dynamic misalliance. A small cost will extend the life of expensive tyres and its one of the best money saving tips we can give. Read Wheel Balancing in detail here.

Replacement of Tyres

At AME Automotive when doing any maintenance, we check proper tread markings and legal depth on your tyres.  It is a simple process, and every passenger car tyre has a higher “bump” moulded into the gap between the tread of the tyre.  If the tyre is worn out to this point (or is close(,AME Automotive must point it out to you – as a tyre worn beyond this point is unsafe and could cause serious damage to the vehicle not to mention the driver and fellow passengers.

Tyre Fitting

To fit tyre’s our mechanics require specialist knowledge and equipment, only professionals should fit and remove tyres from rims. Following this safety first approach is paramount and we are happy to provide advice and quotes to get the job completed correctly and most importantly safely.

Tyre Repair

Tyre manufacturers do not recommend repairing tyres.

However, we believe there are exceptions like taking a repair kit when caravanning around Australia or Four-wheel driving (4WD).  Therefore taking a pragmatic approach we have put forward the following recommendations, although above all consider your safety and if in doubt seek specialist advice.  A tyre can only be repaired only if certain conditions are met.

AME Automotive suggests replacement of tyre in the following conditions:-

  • If the cords of the tyre are exposed on the entire circumference of the tyre.
  • Damage on the side wall, tread, or bead of the tyre.
  • Tyre repair and replacement should also be performed if the tyres are aged, cracking, or any other deterioration is seen.
  • If an object has punctured the tyre and the hole is less than 0.6mmm, It could be repaired with a standard toolkit, anything larger could be dangerous to drive higher than a moderate speed of 50kmph.
  • If there are any previous repairs.

Remember a repair is get you out of trouble, then as soon as possible get an expert to give you advice.

Call AME Automotive on (08) 9455 3225 or get a quote online for your next Tyre repair and replacement requirements.

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