The Benefits of Buying Tyres in Pairs | AME Automotive

Buying Tyres in Pairs

You should be replacing the tyres on your car every five years or so, or when you notice signs of deterioration. If your tyres seem bald or the tread seems quite worn, you might want to start tyre shopping sooner than later. When it comes to buying tyres, should you buy a whole new set or just a pair? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of buying tyres in pairs. Things to Consider When Buying New Tyres for Your Car as below

For Balance and Stability

If you were to only buy one new tyre and fit it onto one of your axles, you would create an instant imbalance that could cause you some serious issues when you’re driving. At best your steering may be slightly unpredictable, and at worst you may struggle to keep control. It’s important that each side of your axle holds an identical tyre – the same brand, the same tread, the same size and the same rating!

Your Car Will Thank You

Replacing your tyres in pairs will work wonders for the performance and efficiency of your vehicle. It’s going to make for a smoother ride overall, and will reduce the wear and tear of your suspension and steering system. In the long run, this means increased performance and fuel efficiency – saving you precious money and costly repairs.

Equal Tread Wear

Buying brand new tyres in pair means that you’ll have equal tread wear on each side. Uneven tread wear can cause issues with mileage, as well as your vehicles ability to grip the road properly. This is doubly important in wet or slick conditions – you really want to have a good, even amount of wear on your tyres in those cases!

For the 4x4s

For those of you driving 4×4’s, you’re going to want to replace all four tyres at once. This might seem like a bit of a sting but keep in mind the way your vehicle operates. It relies on all four tyres having the same pressure, tread and traction. So for 4WDs, replacing all four wheels is the equivalent of replacing the front or back two on another car.

Other Helpful Tips

To get the most from your new pair of tyres always fit them to the rear axle. This is because losing grip at the rear of your vehicle is always more difficult to control than the front. Remember, safety comes first!

Also, always choose tyre sizes, speed and load ratings that are recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer. They know their products best.

And finally, never mix winter, summer or all-season tyres. They have different tread, traction and are made differently – pick one that suits your climate and stick with it!

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