Effective Ways to Improve Fuel Efficiency on the Roads

Looking forward to getting a fantastic amount of kilometers per litre when you fill up your vehicle at the petrol station is something we all strive for. So what else can you do to get the most out of your current vehicle’s fuel tank? Well, the mechanics at AME Automotive in Canning Vale have compiled a list of suggestions to help you increase your fuel efficiency and put money back in your pocket.

5 Effective Ways to Increase Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency

1. Take It Easy on the Pedal –

We know it’s obvious but low fuel efficiency = high RPMs. That means that driving like you’re racing the car next to you won’t save you fuel costs. If you want to increase your fuel economy, you must slow down. Rapid acceleration and braking will cause your engine to work harder and use more fuel. Here is a weird fact, although each car is different, fuel economy tends to degrade as speed exceeds 85 km per hour due to increased wind friction.

2. Use the Recommended Motor Oil –

Since your car’s engine is built to work better with a particular form of motor oil, you can never presume that any engine oil will work with it. Using heavier oil may cause excessive friction, causing the engine to work harder and consume more fuel. Always check your owner’s manual for the recommended type of motor oil for your vehicle and only use that type. This is especially true for European vehicles.

3. Limit idling –

Idling for an extended period is never good for your fuel economy. The rule is that if you leave your car idle for more than three minutes, it is best to turn it off. Surprisingly, idling consumes more fuel than restarting the car and emits 60% more pollution than when your car is in motion.

4. Keep your speed steady –

As mentioned above, your car’s fuel economy starts to deteriorate as it reaches 80-85 km per hour. The quicker you go, the worse the situation becomes. It simple but drive to the speed limit. Rapid acceleration and hard braking use a lot of power, so avoid them whenever possible. Also always drive to the conditions, it’s ok to slow down in bad conditions.

5. Check your tire pressure –

Underinflated tyres can cause the engine to use more fuel to drive the car, increasing fuel consumption by up to 3%. For the right PSI for your tyres, check your owner’s manual or the tyre wall. To know more about tyre maintenance and wheel balancing read our detailed blog about it here.

Finally, perform regular maintenance – Caring for your vehicle will help you save a lot of money on fuel and tyres. Make an effort to get your car serviced by an expert mechanic on a regular basis, as recommended by your car manufacturer.

If in doubt, pass through and ask us any questions at no obligation. At AME Automotive we’re happy to help.

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